Beautiful Bizarre Magazine Subscription

Beautiful Bizarre Magazine is a leading publication for contemporary art enthusiasts, featuring in-depth interviews and profiles of leading and emerging visual and wearable artists from around the world. Our quarterly art magazine offers informative, inspiring, and thought-provoking content, perfect for artists, artisan fashion designers, collectors, curators, galleries, and anyone looking to stay up-to-date on the latest trends in the contemporary art world. The magazine offers a variety of engaging content, including step-by-step guides to creating art, interviews with artists about their lives and work, features on artisan fashion designers, insights from gallerists on their personal collection wishlists, studio visits, collector interviews, and our community Instagram feature. It covers all art styles from realism and magical realism, to surrealism and pop surrealism; and mediums, including traditional art media, and photographic and digital media.

4 issues
print offer
$ 99.99
8 issues
print offer
$ 198.98

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