News Weekly-12 Months

News Weekly is the mouthpiece of the National Civic Council (NCC) and the Australian Family Association (AFA).
News Weekly is grounded in the founding principles, or “primacies”, of the NCC. These “Five Primacies” are:
1. Defending life (The integrity of the individual)
2. Supporting the family (the fundamental unit of society)
3. Assisting small enterprise (the family farm, small business)
4. Promoting the national interest (patriotism, self-reliance in defence)
5. Fostering Judeo-Christian virtues as objective realities

24 issues (Print & Digital)
print offer
$ 120.00
2 issues (Digital)
digital offer
$ 6.00
24 issues (Digital)
digital offer
$ 60.01
2 issues (Print & Digital)
print offer
$ 12.50

product details