Marie Claire Magazine Subscription

For 30 years, marie claire has offered a powerful mix of style and substance. It’s this unique combination across all our platforms that continues to inspire Australian women to make a difference to their lives and the lives of others. With a proud history of agenda-setting journalism, from equal pay to paid maternity leave, mixed with the latest and greatest fashion, beauty and lifestyle content, we are the iconic and intelligent global brand that informs and steers Australian women.

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current campaign: H242MCM
Print Digital Bundle InternationalInt'l
6 print issues
automatic renewal  i
We will auto-renew your subscription via recurring credit card or direct debit payment.
Save 17% then $50.00/6 issues thereafter
6 print issues
We will auto-renew your subscription via recurring credit card or direct debit payment.
Save 8%
12 print issues
automatic renewal  i
We will auto-renew your subscription via recurring credit card or direct debit payment.
Save 25% then $90.00/12 issues thereafter
12 print issues
We will auto-renew your subscription via recurring credit card or direct debit payment.
Save 21%

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